About Me!

Hi and welcome to my blog. I've just caught the crafting bug again and am starting to create new things to share. I will post my creations here and hope that you enjoy them. Crafting is such a relaxing thing for me. I can just get lost in it and lose all track of time. Lucky for me I have 4 angels (my kids) that bring me right back to reality.I love to think of things for the holidays to share and love learning new things as well. Please feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Tags

Homemade Christmas tags made with rubber stamps and copic pens.  These cute little tags are great for any holiday or gift.  Adds that special touch!

Holiday Baking

Every year I make mini breads to give away.  This year, I sort of got carried away with my baking.  I ended up making 30 loaves of bread - Pumpkin Bread, Cranberry Orange Bread and Banana Raspberry Bread.  Pumpkin was my personal favorite!

I also made about 4 dozen sugar cookies, decorated with royal icing and oreo cookies dipped in white and dark chocolate.  Then there were the pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate! 

I wanted to make truffles and rum balls but time ran out so I guess I'll save those tasty treats for Valentines Day!

Cute Little Blankets

For Christmas I made these cute little blankets out of fleece.  As I was cutting and tying, I thought about how nice it would be to make one for myself and curl up by a nice fire.

I love blankets that are not too heavy but comfy and cozy and I hope these bring lots of joy to the two beautiful babies I made them for.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy as Bees!

This holiday season we have been super busy with our little brick orders!  When I started making these little guys, they were just snowmen that I painted onto brick pavers.  Then we decided to do pumpkins for Halloween and turkeys for Thanksgiving.  We threw in some Reindeer, Santa's, Penguins and other critters.  At one time Ladybugs were the big hit.  Then I painted a football paver for a friend and I haven't done anything else since.

This Christmas, we rented a spot at our local Tamale Festival to sell our purses and I decided to take a couple of painted football pavers, just to show.  Well we came home with 9 orders that night.  We got those orders out and a few days later got 5 more orders.  We decided that once those were done, we wouldn't do any more until after Christmas......until one of our customers called to ask if we could please do 3 more for a friend of hers and a friend of ours called requesting 5.....all by  Christmas. 

Needless to say, with all the baking and other things I need to do by the holidays, it's been a crazy time here.  My husband, who is my helper, said he would do the bricks so I could get all my other stuff done.  Poor guy.  He's been in that garage for almost a week now, painting away. 

I'm so lucky to have him and so glad to see the final product.  Some are new designs that we've been requested to do and it's always fun to see the variety of teams.  We've moved from football to baseball and now we've been asked to do a basketball player.  Can't wait to see how that one turns out.

Thanks to my hubby for all his help, hard work and love!!